Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#1905 closed defect (worksforme)

"Cannot seek backward in linear streams!" when using stdin from rtmpdump output (not -cache related)

Reported by: pnixte@… Owned by: reimar
Priority: normal Component: core
Version: unspecified Severity: normal
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Reproduced by developer: no Analyzed by developer: no



There is an annoying bug when trying to use mplayer with its stdin piped from
rtmpdump output.

In version r33216, I get "Cannot seek backward in linear streams!" just
after cache buffers are depleted while in r33124 there was no such issue
and the video played just fine.

The command line I used was identical in both cases:

rtmpdump ..server_parameters.. | mplayer -cache 2048 -cache-min 30 -noautosub -

Note 1: rtmpdump outputs flv video.
Note 2: "cat file.flv | mplayer -cache 2048 -" does not produce any errors.
Note 3: This issue is not cache related.
Note 4: If there was an option to just ignore that error and carry on playing the file, I would be happy.
Note 5: I use mplayer on win32 (mingw).

Change History (1)

comment:1 by reimar, 13 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

That message is not an error, MPlayer will try to continue anyway if it can.
In addition I have tried the following command in order to reproduce:
pv -L 30k < test.flv | ./mplayer -cache 2048 -
The cache runs empty, MPlayer stops, but then continues normally after it has enough data again (this is with r33284).
With neither a way to reproduce nor an exact revision there's not much I can do.
If you can give some further information that might help please reopen!
Oh, there might have been a short range of FFmpeg revisions where piped flv might have been broken (though I see no reason why it should work as to Note 2), so maybe updating is worth a try.

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