Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#1094 new enhancement

Show remaining time or percent when watching .WMV

Reported by: jidanni@… Owned by: reimar
Priority: if idle Component: core
Version: 1.0rc2 Severity: minor
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Reproduced by developer: no Analyzed by developer: no


I played a .WMV movie. And all thru the movie, the line in the shell:
A: 217.8 V: 218.0 A-V: -0.239 ct: -0.048 3196/3196 1% 1% 0.6% 0 0
did not have any indication of how much more movie I had to sit thru to reach the end. This is unlike when I play .MP3 files. As you see above, it just said 1%.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by reimar, 17 years ago

Priority: normalif idle
Severity: normalenhancement

There is no space for a "percentage played" in the status line.
And since you can just enable the OSD (with 'o') to get this information there IMO is not much need for this.

comment:2 by compn, 17 years ago

how about a changeable status line that could say anything?
like scrolling the filename or percent played or time remaining or number of files in playlist.

hit a key like C or whatnot that will change it

of course, mplayer is a bunch of hacks so this is probably impossible
still its a nice wish.

comment:3 by jidanni@…, 17 years ago

All I know is

  1. I always use the command line and never any GUI.
  2. When I play music I see a percent listened to, so expected it for

videos too. Instead there is a broken percent stuck around 1 or 2 % (OK, this is some other percent.)

  1. The percent listened to seems like a very important percent,

something that ought to be shown by default... as dumb users like me
will not remember to type some extra letter each time to see it.

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