Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#1359 new enhancement

Complex rendering (Indic, Persian languages) support in subtitles

Reported by: pravi.a@… Owned by: eugeni.stepanov@…
Priority: important Component: libass
Version: 1.0rc2 Severity: minor
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Reproduced by developer: no Analyzed by developer: no


Currently mplayer cannot display subtitles in Indic, persian and other languages needing complex rendering support properly. pango, icu and qt (merging to harfbuzz) already support complex rendering for all these languages (I'm particularly concerned about Malayalam). It is a request to add harfbuzz support to subtitle rendering.

Mplayer version 1.0.rc2svn20080706-0.1 from

Change History (1)

comment:1 by eugeni.stepanov@…, 16 years ago

I've been thinking of doing it, but I don't fully understand how much code around harfbuzz is needed. All these libraries (pango and qt, at least) seem to be doing a lot of additional work: shapers for different languages, calls to freebidi2, so on.

It seems harfbuzz already includes some implementation of bidi algorithm. It also seems to include a set of shapers, probably from QT. Will it be ok to simply replace charcode to glyph index conversion by a call to HB_ShapeItem?

Another thing I don't understand: how could harfbuzz do bidi, if it can only be done after line breaking? Harfbuzz does not do line breaking.

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