Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#1923 new defect

After hitting pause mplayer unable to un-pause

Reported by: czerner.lukas@… Owned by: reimar
Priority: very important Component: core
Version: HEAD Severity: major
Keywords: Cc: compn
Blocked By: Blocking:
Reproduced by developer: no Analyzed by developer: no


The problem appears when I try to pause the movie, then I hit pause again to continue watching, however it does not work and mplayer is stuck. I am experiencing this issue for VERY long time and it is still present in the latest svn version. The only "workaround" is to move the movie forward or backward to un-stucks it.

This is major problem in functionality and pause should just work without problems like that. Also it is highly annoying.

I am able to reproduce it relly often.


Change History (4)

comment:1 by czerner.lukas@…, 14 years ago

Priority: normalvery important

comment:2 by reimar, 14 years ago

This obviously is something that happens only to very few people (at least not to any of the developers, though I remember a report about this on the MPlayer-users list but not what came out of it), otherwise it would have been fixed.
Try using a different -ao, e.g. pulseaudio for a long time had a bug where it broke after pausing (fixed since a long time and also worked-around in MPlayer).

comment:3 by compn, 14 years ago

Cc: patriotact@… added

every time this happens its because of pulseaudio.
the problem is that pulseaudio is now installed by default in most distros.
you have to remove pulseaudio completely to get mplayer working correctly again.

vlc managed to workaround it, so i recommend you use that until futher notice.

comment:4 by compn, 13 years ago

does this happen when playing mp3 files?
what files does it happen on?
what mplayer version?

maybe i blamed pulseaudio too quickly :)

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