Opened 20 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#302 closed defect (invalid)

configure problem - inttypes.h / bitypes.h

Reported by: dcrs6000@… Owned by: diego@…
Priority: very important Component: build system
Version: 1.0pre7 Severity: blocker
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Reproduced by developer: no Analyzed by developer: no



I am trying to compile and install MPlayer on and IBM pSeries System.

This system is using a Power 4+ microprocessor and running AIX 5.1L
operating system. The include file inttypes.h does exist in the
/usr/include directory. However; there is not bitypes.h file in
/usr/include/sys directory or any where else in the system. I
have parts of the Linux software loaded and parts of GNU software
loaded and bitypes.h does not exist in either of their "include"

What can I do to get around this problem or where can I

find a copy of the bitypes.h file?

*Output from configure*
============ Checking for inttypes.h (required) ============

#include <inttypes.h>
int main(void) { return 0; }

gcc -static /tmp/mplayer-conf-19687-23008.c -o /tmp/mplayer-conf-5938-23008.o
ld: 0706-003 Cannot find or read import file: /lib/syscalls.exp

ld:accessx(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

collect2: ld returned 255 exit status

ldd /tmp/mplayer-conf-5938-23008.o
./configure[10]: ldd: not found.

Result is: no

============ Checking for bitypes.h (inttypes.h predecessor) ============

#include <sys/bitypes.h>
int main(void) { return 0; }

gcc -static /tmp/mplayer-conf-19687-23008.c -o /tmp/mplayer-conf-5938-23008.o
/tmp/mplayer-conf-19687-23008.c:1:25: sys/bitypes.h: No such file or directory

ldd /tmp/mplayer-conf-5938-23008.o
./configure[10]: ldd: not found.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by saschasommer@…, 20 years ago

============ Checking for inttypes.h (required) ============

#include <inttypes.h>
int main(void) { return 0; }

gcc -static /tmp/mplayer-conf-19687-23008.c -o /tmp/mplayer-conf-5938-23008.o
ld: 0706-003 Cannot find or read import file: /lib/syscalls.exp

ld:accessx(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

collect2: ld returned 255 exit status

ldd /tmp/mplayer-conf-5938-23008.o
./configure[10]: ldd: not found.

Result is: no

bittypes.h should not be required. However something seems
to be wrong with your buildtools, when they can't even compile this small program.

comment:2 by dcrs6000@…, 20 years ago

(In reply to comment #1)

============ Checking for inttypes.h (required) ============

#include <inttypes.h>
int main(void) { return 0; }

gcc -static /tmp/mplayer-conf-19687-23008.c -o /tmp/mplayer-conf-5938-23008.o
ld: 0706-003 Cannot find or read import file: /lib/syscalls.exp

ld:accessx(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

collect2: ld returned 255 exit status

ldd /tmp/mplayer-conf-5938-23008.o
./configure[10]: ldd: not found.

Result is: no

bittypes.h should not be required. However something seems
to be wrong with your buildtools, when they can't even compile this small program.


I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my problem.
Not sure why; but when I tried to compile the distribution today the

problem no longer exist.

However; I have encountered another compiler problem

This time it has to do with the program called getch2.c. It seems that
TCSETS and TCGET (TIOCGETA and TIOCSETA) do not exist in the
/usr/include/sys/ioctl.h file.

When I check the POSIX definition for the ioctl() function it indicates

that these variables are supposed to represent function codes. However;
I am unable to find them in the include file. I also checked the
/usr/include/stropts.h file.

I am beginning to believe that this program was not meant to run on

my system.

Not sure that running configure generates the appropriate flags and

such for my system. Even if I pass -mcpu=power4 to the gcc compiler there
are still a bunch of warning messages generated during the compilation.
Mistached assignments and results of operations that will always be set
false or true.

My system does not have a library called libposix.a; but it does have a

library called libpthreads.a which is supposed to contain the POSIX routines.
Not sure if I did it correctly; but when I changed the configure script I
got it to recognize that there is a POSIX library on my system.

Thanks again for your assistance.

comment:3 by diego@…, 19 years ago

Component: demuxerbuild system
Owner: changed from moritz@… to diego@…

comment:4 by diego@…, 19 years ago

Cc: dcrs6000@… removed
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

bittypes.h is only used on libc5 systems and this problem seems to have
disappeared. MPlayer has not been ported to AIX yet. In any case the
information provided is far from enough to be able to diagnose the problem.

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