Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#792 closed defect (worksforme)

compilation broken with amr.c

Reported by: mplayer-bugs@… Owned by: mans@…
Priority: important Component: libavcodec
Version: unspecified Severity: major
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Reproduced by developer: no Analyzed by developer: no


After the recent change in amr-code handling compiling with the instruktions found at the top of libavcodec/amr.c doesn't work anymore.
The instructions want the code in amr_float and amrwb_float, amr.c uses amrnb and amrwb in its include statements.

Additionally, there's a definition missing:

In amr_wb_decode_frame() block_size[] is used but not declared, using the definition from amr_nb_decode_frame() fixes compilation, not sure, if the values are correct for wb, though.

What's more, when trying to build mplayer with a recent version of ffmpeg and amr-code, linking is broken because the amr-code isn't compiled at all and isn't included in the final linking step.

I'm mentioning this here, because IMHO the amr-code should be compiled by the ffmpeg build system and included in libavcodec rather then standalone.

Attachments (2)

patch.compile2 (980 bytes ) - added by mplayer-bugs@… 18 years ago.
compilation fix for amr.c
patch.2.compile2 (406 bytes ) - added by mplayer-bugs@… 18 years ago.
compilation fix for amr.c v2

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by mplayer-bugs@…, 18 years ago

Attachment: patch.compile2 added

compilation fix for amr.c

comment:1 by mplayer-bugs@…, 18 years ago

comment:2 by mplayer-bugs@…, 18 years ago

As the mplayer-team changed the build process to use external amr, too, here's a new patch that fixes just the missing definition in amr.c.

For the records, the amr-libs can be build with

make -f makefile.gcc
rm decoder.o encoder.o
ar cr libamrnb.a *.o
ranlib libamrnb.a

(the same goes for amrwb, just replate amrnb with amrwb)

by mplayer-bugs@…, 18 years ago

Attachment: patch.2.compile2 added

compilation fix for amr.c v2

comment:3 by mplayer-bugs@…, 18 years ago

attachments.isobsolete: 01

comment:4 by mplayer-bugs@…, 18 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

With amrnb- and amrwb- there're no errors in compilation, the patch is no longer needed.

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