Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#898 closed defect (wontfix)

Ending a movie while in Fullscreen mode messes up next movie

Reported by: tristan_schmelcher@… Owned by: reimar
Priority: normal Component: GUI
Version: 1.0rc1 Severity: minor
Keywords: Cc: compn
Blocked By: Blocking:
Reproduced by developer: no Analyzed by developer: no


With gmplayer 1.0rc1, ending a video in Fullscreen mode will mess up the next video so that its Normal size mode is a maximized window with a potentially incorrect aspect ratio.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Open a movie in gmplayer, seek to the end, switch to Fullscreen, and let the movie end.
2) The movie window will disappear. (Expected: should switch to the skin's splash screen.)
3) The next movie that is played starts with the correct aspect ratio inset in a maximized MPlayer window (_not_ fullscreen, just a maximized window), with the context menu claiming that it is in Fullscreen mode. (Expected: should start in actual Fullscreen mode, or alternatively Normal size.)
4) Click the already-selected Fullscreen option and observe that it does not change the picture, but the context menu claims that Normal size is now selected. (Expected: should switch to actual Normal size.)
5) Click the now-not-selected Fullscreen option a second time and observe that it switches to the real Fullscreen mode as expected.
6) Click the now-already-selected Fullscreen option a third time and observe that it switches back to the maximized window, but with the picture stretched to fill the window, regardless of the movie or monitor's aspect ratio. The context menu claims that it is in Normal size mode. (Expected: should switch to actual Normal size.)
7) Continue to click on the Fullscreen option and observe that it switches between the last two states.
8) Explicitly click on Normal size and observe that the condition clears.

The expected behaviour is noted in-line above.

This occurs for me on Debian with package version 1.0~rc1-16 (and others). I tried to check it on the 2007-09-19 source snapshot, but video playback didn't work at all for me.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by compn, 14 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed,

the gui is pretty much dead now. no one works on it.

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